Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Through and Through

I thought through and through would be a good name to start my blog, and relates completely to when God spoke to me in regards to how much he wished to permeate my very being with his Spirit. I began my journey in moving in the spirit of God a while ago when one of my friends put my on to Clark Taylor's teachings on moving in the spirit. Soon after watching this, God spoke clearly to me about his plan for my life. He reminded me about the story in the bible, when the Israelites were being marauded, a group of individuals who were burying a dead body. The Bible says that in their haste to get away from the marauders, the Israelites threw the dead body into a grave, which happened to hold the dead body of Elisha the prophet. The Bible says that on contacting the dead body of Elisha, the body sprang back to life. Strange stuff I know, but even though I had read this scripture many times, God made me meditate on this and he began to make me realise what had actually happened. You see, Elisha moved so closely with the spirit of God, that his very being permeated the bones of Elisha, so that even when the spirit of Elisha had departed from his body, the residual power of the holy spirit was still there to work miracles. God spoke clearly to me, and told me that this was where he wanted me to be, so inundated with the holy spirit, that my physical body cannot but help manifest his Glory and Power, so that like Peter, even those who come into contact with my very shadow will be touched by the spirit of God. These posts will journey through what God has been teaching me since that time that God spoke to me.

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